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Spiritual care

Spiritual care

Modern healthcare chaplaincy focuses on ensuring that everyone, whether or not they’re religious, can access cultural or spiritual support when they need it.

Spiritual care is about celebrating what makes you happy, what lifts you up and what brings you peace and comfort. For some people, religion plays a big part in that. For others, it’s about relationships, hobbies, traditions, heritage or the natural world.

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with a life-limiting illness, you may find yourself questioning your life and your beliefs. You may be struggling to come to terms with the diagnosis or wondering what comes next. Or you might just need to talk.

The spiritual care team is here when you need us.


Our Spiritual Care Lead is supported by a team of volunteers. Together, they offer support to patients, carers, families, staff and volunteers. We can work with your care team to make them aware of any aspects of your faith that they need to consider, including dietary requirements.

Spiritual support can be accessed 24 hours a day. Through our relationship with the RD&E Exeter, we can also connect you with local faith groups if you wish.

Our chapel/spiritual space at Searle House

There’s a room set aside at Searle House for contemplation, reflection and prayer. It’s on the ground floor and can be accessed by all. Please just ask a member of the care team if you want to be shown where it is.