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Being kind to yourself

This week we are linking up with Mental Health Awareness Week with this year’s theme 'Kindness'. 

This week we are linking up with Mental Health Awareness Week, for which this year’s theme is ‘Kindness.

There’s a wealth of information availble about coping in these unusual times, from MINDNHS Every Mind Matters and Mental Health Foundation among others. So much so in fact that the volume of guidance may even feel overwhelming or confusing.  So let’s concentrate on ‘kindness’ and consider that first and foremost we need to be kind to ourselves!

Kindness starts with you – celebrate small wins, let go of harsh inner dialogue and befriend yourself!  To show ourselves kindness, we can think of ways to improve things for ourselves, to get things in perspective and give ourselves some control.

Mental Health Awareness Week banner

For example:

Write down all the different roles you play in life

  • What different roles are you juggling?
  • Make sure you can step from one role to the other making clear definition between them
  • Do plenty of things that play to your strengths
  • What and who are you carrying?
  • What or who could you put down, even for a little while?

Emotional Labour is the term for the additional work we do in order to display the emotions we think we should have, to hide what we’re really feeling, to take care of other people’s feelings, and to keep everyone ‘happy’.  It’s exhausting, so try to stop doing it.  Instead make room for emotions, communicate clearly and honestly, and say how you’re feeling.

Ask yourself:

  • How could I better balance the needs of others with my own needs?
  • What one thing could I start or stop doing today to take better care of myself?

Bookend Your Day

At the start: IKIGAI – What is the purpose of my life for today?  (Watch this Happiness Video to find out more)

At the end:       What went well today?  (There is always something!)

We hope you’ll find some of the tips here useful for focusing on yourself.  Remember to look after yourself and take care of you.